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How to Do Viprit Naukasana | All About the Reverse Boat Pose

Yoga is always the best way to make your physical and mental health perfect. It makes us strong and flexible and also makes our minds calm. If we incorporate yoga into our daily routine, we can improve our posture and can reduce the stress. One of the asanas that can help us achieve better sleep, better posture and better mental health is Viprit Naukasana. This powerful yoga asana stretches your spine, strengthens your core, and helps digestion. In this blog, we will explain what Vipreet Naukasana is and how you can practice this asana safely, and we will also discover how it can improve your overall well-being. Let’s move on to the information about this asana.

What is Viprit Naukasana?

Viprit Naukasana, or Vipreet Naukasana, is also known as Inverted Boat Pose in English. This asana involves inverting the body while maintaining a boat-like shape. In Iyenger Yoga, this asana is known as Salabhasana. It offers many benefits for the shoulder and back and enhances core strength. If you want to stay calm, this is an excellent choice. 

The best practice is to perform this pose in the morning on an empty stomach. You can perform Gomukhasana, Bhujangasana and Setu Bandhasana as the preparatory pose so that no injuries happen during the pose. Performing the preparatory poses can even be more beneficial. Additionally, you can perform the follow-up poses like Savasana or Bow Pose.

Viprit Naukasana Benefits You Should Know

When it comes to Viprit Nauksana, this asana comes with endless benefits for your abdomen, back, lungs, chest, arms, shoulders, and more. Let us discuss the benefits of this asana in detail:

  1. Helps in reducing belly fat and makes you fit.
  2. Improves digestion and reduces gastric issues.
  3. Relieves back pain and enhances your overall health.
  4. Stretches and strengthens your torso, shoulders, spine and back and also improves spine flexibility.
  5. Increases blood flow in the body, reduces the chances of heart-related diseases, and also balances blood pressure. 
  6. Beneficial for Asthma and other lung-related problems.
  7. Tones the body and also helps in reducing excessive fat on many parts of the body.
  8. Stimulates the pancreas, and thus, it produces insulin and helps in balancing diabetes. 
  9. Calms the body and the mind and also reduces anxiety.
  10. Very helpful in issues like slip disc, spondylitis, sciatica, etc. 

These were some of the benefits of Vipreet Nokasana. Let’s now move on to discuss the steps to perform Reverse Boat Pose.

How to Perform Viprit Naukasana? 

Reverse Boat Pose is relatively easy to perform. However, before attempting this reverse form of Naukasana, it is essential to learn how to perform it correctly to avoid any injuries. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Lie down on your stomach on the floor or mat. Keep your hands in front of you.

Step 2: Now, you need to lift your chin, look forward and straighten your legs.

Step 3: Relax and close your eyes.

Step 4: Exhale and lift your head, chest and legs off the floor simultaneously as high as possible.

Step 5: Do not place your hands on the ground. Makke made sure only the abdominal front position rested on the floor. 

Step 6: Now, contract the butt and stretch the thigh muscles.

Step 7: Stay in the position for as long as you can with normal breathing.

Step 8: Go back to the normal position and relax.

Step 9: Repeat the asana for 4-5 times. 

Contraindications of Reverse Boat Pose

While Reverse Boat Pose has many benefits, it’s important to note its contraindications to ensure a safe yoga practice. Some of the contraindications of this yoga pose are listed below:

  1. Women should avoid this yoga posture during pregnancy.
  2. People with high blood pressure should not do Viprit Nakasana.
  3. Individuals who have undergone recent surgeries should either avoid doing the asana or consult a professional.
  4. If you have any abdominal issues or infections, then you should not do this yoga posture. 
  5. If you have back pain, a Slipped disc, or any chronic disease, you should get expert advice before performing this Asana.

Key Takeaways

Now that you are all aware of Vipreet Naukasana, its benefits, steps and contraindications, it is essential to listen to your body. Don’t push too hard on yourself to avoid injuries. If there is a moment you feel uncomfortable, release the pose and relax. Practise Reverse Boat Pose regularly to get the most benefits out of it and lead a healthier life. Namaste!