Bhujangasana: Everything You Should Know

Bhujangasana Yoga

Do you wish to tone your abdomen or build a stronger you but don’t have enough time to go to the gym? Or are you tired and stressed because of the amount of work that you have to do? To most working individuals, it might be relatable. And if this sounds like you, then we have a great solution that doesn’t require a lot of time and can benefit both your body and mind. As our name suggests, we have come up with a most beneficial yoga asana that can help you strengthen your abdomen and make you less stressed just by lying and sitting at home. Let’s talk about Bhujangasana or the Cobra Pose and its benefits, steps, and contraindications. 

What is Bhujangasana?

Bhujangasana is derived from the word Bhujanga, which means Snake or Cobra. It is pronounced as bhu-jung-aahs-uh-nuh. Bhujangasana is also known as the Cobra Pose in English. This is one of the best back-bending postures in hatha yoga. Practising this asana daily can develop self-confidence, strength and willpower. It is also one of the best asanas for toning abdominal & deep muscles and supporting the spinal column and trunk. Cobra Pose helps create a calm state of mind, faith in self, and higher reality.

What are the Bhujangasana Benefits?

Bhujangasana yoga is usually performed as an alternative to Urdhva Mukha Svanasana while doing Surya Namaskara. Here are some of the Bhujangasana Yoga Benefits listed below:

  1. When you practice the Bhujangasana procedure, your spinal nerves are stimulated, and the spine is strengthened.
  2. There is an alternative contraction and relaxation in the spine, which cures minor displacement of the vertebra. 
  3. It tones up the abdominal muscles and reduces constipation, liver-kidney functions, and flatulence.
  4. This asana keeps your back muscles healthy. 
  5. This yogasana helps reduce stress and fatigue. 
  6. Cobra Pose provides relief from breathing-related problems.

Now that we know about the advantages of Bhujangasana, let’s discuss the step-by-step instructions for performing yoga.

How to Perform Bhujangasana Steps?

After exploring the basic information about Bhujangasana and its benefits, which range from strengthening the spine to opening the heart, let’s explore how to do Bhujangasana: 

  • Lie down prone on the ground or on your yoga mat. 
  • Come to the Makarasana Pose, keep your toes out, and join the legs other. 
  • Keep your palms beside the chest and elbows close to your body. 
  • Inhale and slowly move the head and chest up to the navel region with the help of the spinal muscles. 
  • Keep the elbow parallel and maintain the position for 3 to 10 breaths. 
  • Exhale, move the head down and rest your chin on the ground.
  • Bend both the arms and put the chin on the hands. 
  • Keep your feet a distance apart and place your head on your hands. Relax and repeat the asana 4-5 times. 

Note: Don’t put your hands against the floor while pushing yourself up. Don’t keep your arms straight and in front while lifting yourself. Also, don’t lift the whole body. 

3 Bhujangasana Variations You Must Know

After collecting all the Bhujangasana information, now it’s time to modify the pose with the three ultimate variations that can make you feel stronger and healthier.

  1. Using Support Underneath Your Hips:

For this, you need to place a folded blanket under your hips so that your lower back can feel some pressure. If you are experiencing any pain in your lower back, try keeping your feet a distance apart. This will create more space in your pelvis and hips.

  1. Using Wall As a Support

Face the wall and keep your feet some distance from it. Bend your elbows, keeping them against your torso. Press your hands against the wall. Now, lift your chin a little and make an arch on your back. 

  1. Using a Chair As a Support

For this variation, you need to sit in a chair and keep your hands on your lap. Now, hold the chair’s back, inhale to lift your chest and look slightly up. Maintain the pose while feeling the stretch in your neck and chest. 

Contraindications of Bhujangasana

Though Cobra Pose is a fundamental yoga pose with endless benefits, it’s only suitable for some. The following people with certain health conditions should take Bhujangasana precautions while doing Bhujangasana yoga:

  1. Patients suffering from Hernia and ulcers should avoid doing the asana.
  2. Pregnant women are not recommended to practice Bhujangasana.
  3. If you just had a stomach operation, then you should refrain from doing this asana for at least three months.
  4. Individuals with spondylitis and spine-related problems should avoid this asana.
  5. People with Asthma should improve their breathing first by doing Pranayama if they want to do Cobra Pose.

Final Words

We hope we were able to provide you with helpful and valuable information about Bhujangasana yoga. This yoga asana is fantastic if you want to strengthen your abdomen, lower your dress and calm your mind. There are numerous Bhujangasana benefits, including strengthening the back and healing breathing problems; these benefits can also be seen in asanas like Ardha Matsyendrasana, Dhanurasana, etc. Just keep in mind that not everyone can do this yoga asana, as there are lots of Bhujangasana contraindications. So it becomes essential to be careful and listen to your body. Keep practising and take care of yourself. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Does Bhujangasana reduce belly fat?

Cobra Pose or Bhujangasana can help reduce belly fat if you perform it regularly as part of yoga. It is said to be the most beneficial asana for toning the abdomen, helping with digestion and improving metabolism. But it only enables you to lose fat when you combine it with a balanced diet and regular exercise.

How many times to do Bhujangasana?

You should perform the asana at least three times if you are a beginner, holding each pose for about 15 to 30 seconds. Once you excel in this yoga pose, you can extend and start practising the asana at least five times with normal breathing.

Who should not do Bhujangasana?

Precautions of Bhujangasana should be taken by individuals suffering from hernia and ulcers. Pregnant women should avoid this asana. People who have recently undergone abdominal surgery should not do this yoga. Additionally, people with spondylitis or any spine-related issues should refrain from doing Cobra Pose.