Purna Matsyendrasana Pose | Benefits, Steps and Contraindications

Purna Matsyendrasana

If you have been doing yoga for some time and want to learn an intensive yoga asana that is beneficial for your back and body, Purna Matsyendrasana can be a great option! This asana is a little tricky to perform, but once mastered, it can really help you in many ways. In this guide, we will learn everything you need to know about Purna Matsyendrasana, its benefits, how to perform this asana and the contraindications of this amazing yoga pose. This intense yoga asana can help reduce tension, improve flexibility and improve overall well-being. Are you ready to give Poorna Matsyendrasana a try?

What is Purna Matysdrasana?

Purna Matsyendrasana is also known as the Full Spinal Twist Pose. It comes from a Sanskrit word where Purna Stands for Full or Complete, Matsya stands for Fish, Endra stands for Lord, and Asana stands for Pose. It is a sitting and twisting pose and is named after the Founder of Hatha Yoga, Yogi Matsyendranath. According to ancient yoga texts, if you practice this asana regularly, it can help improve the digestion process. It is an amazing pose for your back and spine, but it is also important to make sure that your body is flexible enough to avoid injuries.

Benefits of Full Spinal Twist Pose

Beyond just a difficult physical pose, the Purna Matsyendrasana pose can have a magical impact on your mental and physical well-being. Let’s now discuss the Purna Matsyendrasana benefits.

  1. This asana helps increase the blood flow to the spinal muscles and the nerves. It also makes the spine flexible.
  2. It stimulates the kidney, liver and digestive organs and hence regulates the metabolism and hormonal balance.
  3. Poorna Matsyedrasana opens up the chest, which increases your breathing capacity.
  4. This yoga stretches and strengthens many muscles in the body, like your back, hips, pelvis, abdomen, shoulders, arms, and legs.
  5. The asana is beneficial for treating mild cases of sciatica & slipped discs. Also, it can help treat diabetes, indigestion, constipation, and urinary issues.

How To Do Purna Matsyendrasana?

Poorna Matsyendrasana can be a tricky pose that everyone cannot do, but it can really be helpful for the people who have mastered it. Follow the easy Purna Matsyendrasana steps to do it right:

  • Sit straight on the floor and keep your legs outstretched in front of you.
  • Place the left foot on the right thigh as close to the waist as possible.
  • The left foot should be pressing against the abdomen while the left knee remains on the floor.
  • Bend the right knee and position the foot on the outside of the left knee.
  • The sole of the right foot should be on the floor. 
  • Twist the body to the right bringing the left armpit against the outside of the right knee.
  • Exhale while twisting the body and grasp the right ankle or toe with the left hand. 
  • Keep the head and spine straight. The right arm should eventually align with the left calf.
  • Finally, turn the head facing right and hold the position for a few breaths or 2 minutes on each side. 
  • Make sure to breathe normally in the final position. Slowly return to the long seat position and relax. 
  • Repeat the pose with the leg reversed and twist in the opposite direction. 

Note: This asana should only be attempted once Padmasana and Ardha Matsyendrasana have been mastered. 

Purna Matsyendrasana Precautions To Know

While Poorna Matsyendrasana has many benefits, it’s very important to take precautions to avoid serious injuries. Know the contraindications of the Purna Matsyendrasana pose before practicing it:

  • People suffering from hernia or slipped discs, peptic ulcers, sciatica, or hyperthyroidism should not practice this pose. 
  • Women should avoid the asana during menstruation because of its strong abdominal twist.
  • Pregnant women are strictly not advised to do the Purna Matsyendrasana pose. 
  • People with weak joints and bodies should refrain from doing this asana.
  • If you have had any recent injury or surgery on your hip, shoulder, spine, ankle, or knees, then you are advised not to perform this yoga pose.

Key Takeaways

Purna Matsyendrana is an intense yoga pose that offers many benefits to your body and mind. It helps to improve the flexibility of your back, helps digestion, and improves your overall well-being. Make sure you always listen to your body and avoid putting too much pressure on you. With regular practice, you can perform this pose easily and add it to your daily yoga routine to experience its ultimate benefits. And remember, Yogasan is always here to help you make complex yoga asanas easier for you. Namaste!