What Are the benefits of Hakini Mudra and How To Do it

At least once in our lives, all of us have made shapes and forms with our hands to pass the time, right? What if we tell you that you can perform some concrete gestures that bring about some impactful benefits to our chakras? With this blog, Yogaasan introduces to you an important mudra from the yoga world, the Hakini Mudra. Keep reading to know more about this-  

What is Hakini Mudra?

Mudra are gestures performed to bring peace and balance to a person’s mind and body. Hakini Mudra is named after the Goddess of the third eye Hakini. In Sanskrit “Hakini” means power or rule. This gesture will connect you to your third eye which symbolizes the ultimate truth, intellect, and the real self. More precisely, this is a gesture that is performed to attain more concentration, stability, and focus in life. Let us give you some insight into the philosophy behind it- 

Philosophy of Hakini Mudra Meditation

In the psychic chakras of the human body, there are 7 goddess that control each chakra and their impact on the body. Out of those 7, Hakini represents the ‘Ajana chakra’ that controls the mind. Therefore, stimulating this chakra will give you the power to control your mind rather than it controlling you. If that’s what you are looking for, then let us dive right into the steps to perform this mudra.

How to Do Hakini Mudra? 

It is fairly simple to do and you can do it from anywhere around the world. Follow these steps:

  1. Find a peaceful place and sit in either Sukhasana or Padmasana. 
  2. Take a deep breath and settle your mind from the chaos around you while closing your eyes. 
  3. Open up your palms and bring the fingers of both hands to touch each other. Remember to touch only the tip of the fingers keeping the base of the hand away from each other. 
  4. Now, point the connected fingers upwards to the sky and bring your thumbs to the sternum. 
  5. Breathe for 4 to 6 times in this position and then bring your focus to the middle of your eyebrows from the internal view. This means you need to look in the middle of your eyebrows internally. 
  6. Now, try to focus both on the breath and the middle of your eyebrows and stay here for about 20 minutes. 
  7. Finally, release your focus and your fingers while taking a deep breath to relax. 

You know, combining this mudra with ‘Dhyan Mudra will be super impactful on your mind. This will improve your focus, and concentration, and reduce your stress level. Want to know more about Hakini mudra benefits, here it is:

Benefits of Hakini Mudra 

Yogaasan will give you the complete details about this mudra and read along with us to know more about the Hakini mudra benefits: 

  1. Practice this mudra to bring your awareness to the self, and the actions inside your body, and to create a balance with the mind-body-breath in total sync. 
  2. The gesture of connecting fingers stimulates the spiritual energy of the body thus helping you relax and de-stress. 
  3. Performing this mudra will stimulate the “Third Eye” thus activating more of your creativity and insights. This will also connect both hemispheres of the brain bringing in more coordination, memory power, and better logical thinking. 
  4. When the mind is in control, it gives you more power to be active and joyful throughout your life. 
  5. This is a great mudra to overcome stress, anxiety, and mental fatigue. 

There are not many Hakini mudra side effects but only certain limitations that you need to keep in mind before you do it- 

Contraindications of Hakini Mudra

Here are the Contraindications of Hakini Mudra:

  1. You should not do it if you have an injury to your wrist or fingers.
  2. If you have experienced mental trauma then you should avoid this mudra.
  3. You should avoid doing it if you lack a body-to-breath connection. 

At Last

Yoga is one of the most creative ways to stimulate and activate the body and mind. Hakini Mudra has its fair share to give when it comes to helping your mind and body feel great. This is a mudra that we at Yogaasan believe can bring you to the awareness of your real self, you within you. It’s great for your mind and the capability it holds. So, why wait? Get on a mat right now.